

 Spending the day at Hornbine School is a wonderful opportunity to experience school as it was in the 1800’s. To make the day more meaningful and memorable, ask the children to come dressed as they might have dressed 150 years ago. For the girls a long skirt or dress, bonnet or shawl would make a fine costume. The boys could wear long pants with a pair of suspenders. An old pair of pants could be cut just below the knee and worn with long socks for a knickers effect. A white shirt and vest is another idea the boys might try. Don’t forget to try something “old” for yourself as well.          

                           Lunch will be a picnic outside if the weather allows. If it is rainy or cool, the children eat at their desks. Since we’re going back 150 years, please don’t use lunch boxes or paper bags. A wicker basket, tin box or pail, or even a large dinner napkin tied on a stick can be used to carry lunch. If it’s at all possible try to make an old fashioned lunch -= bread or roll, cheese, hard boiled egg, chicken, ginger or molasses cookies, apple or dried fruit are some suggestions. No cans or bottles of soda. please. Lemonade or fruit juice in boxes would be more appropriate.

                           In addition to an old fashioned lunch and costume, each child should have a copy book and be wearing a name tag with an old fashioned name. Please write the name large enough so it can be read at a distance. Cornelia, Charity, or Phoebe might be for the girls, while Lemuel, Caleb, or Ezekial are long ago names given to boys. Please have the children practice writing their “old” name so they can spell it easily.

                           Because Hornbine School is very much in the country, we request that a parent follow the bus in a car or that you carry a cell phone. We have been fortunate never to have a serious injury, but there has to be some way to get help should it be needed.


Try to arrive between 9:30 -9:45. Plan to stay at least until 1:00 p.m.


Please bring with you

- two parents willing to assist with the day’s activities

- a small first aid kit

- blankets and trash bags for lunch

                           Probably none of us would leave our modern conveniences on a permanent basis. I think you’ll find, however, that for a day the Hornbine School experience is a unique opportunity to step into history and, for a moment, see how our lives might have been.
